My Friend, Paul

In this world i felt i was in a desert, i was lost and i was weak. And you chased me and reached for me, you held me close through your letters.

Through the moments of hardships, you were there. And i knew you suffered more than i did. You speak as if i am with you. My heart understood you well.

For the many times you made me feel im gifted, for the many times you saved me from falling, i knew you were sent by my Father with a letter and sword.

You are doctor of the Church, a preacher, an apostle, a teacher. But for me you a companion who nurtures, who guides, who strengthens, who suffers.

Thank you for the letters you sent. And thank you for holding my hand. My friend, St. Paul, in this journey that Jesus has chosen for me.

By Anne Nikki Ramos

Youth Ministry

George Augustine

Timbalan Pengerusi Linah Judah

Darcy Jamih

Timbalan Setiausaha Sophia Andros

Maria Sadiah Philipus

Timbalan Bendahari
Christina Lasius

Schoffal @ Charles Moiji
Valentino Hendricus
Evalisalyne Bamye
Marcella Michael

Koir dan Muzik Arnold Markus

YoUth LiSt

1.Aafion Fonetta Dickson
2.Agnes Legaspi
(14 Sept 1983)
3.Airon Robert
4.Appy Sylvester
5.Beatrice Richard
6.Boniface Lawrence
7.Boy Augustine Marcus
8.Celestina Lasius
9.Cerrynicebella Vitus
10.Charles Judah
11.Chou Gum
12.Christella Christy Mattan
(26 Jan 1994)
13.Christina Lasius
(28 Sept 1989)
14.Darcy Jamih
15.Elwina Kuma
16.Francissca Paulus
17.Fraullyne Bamye
18.Frederica Moiji
19.Galvyn Nicholas
20.Gary Nicholas
22.Gloricalyne Bamye
23.Grace Nicholas
24.Hilda Richard
25.Hossanalyne Bamye
26.Ivalisalyne Bamye
27.Jackson Judah
28.Janarius J
29.Jason Elson Import
30.Leonard Thomas
31.Lily Anros
32.Linah Eva Marion Judah
33.Marcella Michael
34.Maria Sadiah P
35.Marieanne Michael
36.Mark Casper
37.Matius Anros
38.Max Michael
39.Melissa Goretti Michael
40.Melvin Michael
41.Monica Anros
43.Olivia Nonot William
44.O G
45.Petrus Anros
46.Samantha Kylie David
47.Schoffal @ Charles M
48.Seetha Judah
49.Cynthia Andros
50.Sophia Anros
51.Valentina Hendricus
52.Valentino Hendricus
53.Valentinus Hendricus
56.Jai Matias
57.Andersson Junior Jaulis

List nama belum lengkap sepenuhnya lagi.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Youth St Paul Jalan-jalan

Baru-baru nie, youth St Paul ada menjalankan program jalan-jalan keluar. Pilihan destinasi di penginapan Uncle Tan Sepliok Sandakan. Bermula pada 6hb Jun hingga keesokkanya 7hb Jun. Cuma menginap satu malam saja di sana. Aktiviti yang dijalankan seperti melawat ke RDC, Main games dan sebagainya la yang mana boleh meringankan minda dan tekanan. Kesemua aktiviti bebas dibuat oleh youth. Walaubagaimanapun, kakak dan abang-abang sentiasa memerhatikan faktor keselamatan youth jugak. Malam, aktiviti BBQ dan menyambut ulangtahun kelahiran bagi youth yang lahir daripada bulan 5 dan 6. Selepas itu, ada yang bercerita-cerita, main "Pool" and Ping Pong, Main gitar la dan beramah-mesra dengan staff Uncle Tan. Segalah program berjalan dengan lancar. Nampaknya semua youth yang ikut gembira dengan aktiviti sebegini. Staff daripada uncle Tan pun ada menyatakan yang "tidak best kalau satu malam saja stay" haha.. Tapi apa boleh buat, tiada koir menyanyi di gereja nanti 7hb haha.. Staff Uncle Tan ada memberi cenderamata berbentuk skaff kepada semua belia. Nampak sangat sporting ya orang-orang uncle tan. Youth selamat bertolak daripada sepilok pada pukul 9.30am dan tiba di gereja St Paul pada pukul 10am lebih.

Thankz Uncle Tan.

Thank You God.

God Bless.


That's good job. Sharing each other, playing each other and most impotantly is meal together.

Any other activities besides outreach? May be the youth can do something with the environment since the big El-Nino is coming soon. Do pray to God of creation so that this phenomenon will not bring a terrible drought season in this region.

El-Nino phenomenon is man made whether. The origin of El-Nino is from global warming. Who are the destroyer of the nature? have a look at my blog at for more information.

June 9, 2009 at 8:34 PM  

Hai John,

Ada program nanti anjuran St Paul sendiri. Semua berkaitan dengan Enviromnment. Dijangkakan bulan August ni. Cuma belum ada kata putus lagi sebab dengar2 macam ada clash dengan big event di St Mary.

June 16, 2009 at 5:58 PM  

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